About Vermont Tortilla Company

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April and Azur Moulaert are the founders and owners of the Vermont Tortilla Company 

Vermont Tortilla Company owners April & Azur Moulaert

April was born and raised in the New York City area, and Azur was born in Belgium and raised in Costa Rica. April and Azur are both trained scientists that met at a research station in the tropical rainforest Costa Rica in 1992. They then went to get graduate degrees at North Carolina State University in Soil Science and Crop Science. Upon graduation, they lived in a variety of places before discovering Vermont. They were attracted to both the physical beauty and the progressive culture that can be found in the state. They moved to Vermont in 2000.

Upon relocating, April worked as an Environmental Scientist for the State of Vermont and Azur worked in a variety of positions in environmental advocacy. They started a family in 2005 when they had their first daughter, Aurora. Their had their second daughter, Athena, in 2007. During these years they visited the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico annually, where they developed a love of Mexican cuisine. They also watched the emergence and growth of the local foods movement with interest, and developed a passion for supporting local organic agriculture.

In 2015 they decided they wanted to make a change. April was traveling extensively for her job, and Azur tired of working on grant funded projects that would come and go. They both wanted to be self-employed in a business that they felt was engaging and important. With their shared love of food they decided to venture into the food business. They wanted to produce a product that they could not find locally using local produce. They did research and discovered that their local coop was looking for certain products that they could not find, and one of these was a locally produced corn tortilla. They knew corn was grown locally. They also knew through their travels that real stone ground corn tortillas were so much better than anything they could find in their local stores. They decided to go for it.

In their research they discovered that there were only a handful of places in the United States that made authentic stone ground corn tortillas, without additives or preservatives. And even less places were making them with locally sourced corn. So they dove fully in. And here they are today, making a delicious product that’s good for you and the environment.

Our Growers

Our mission at the Vermont Tortilla Company is to use locally sourced organic corn, so we can support local farmers and sustainable agriculture.

We are excited to be working with and using 100% VOF certified organic corn grown by Adirondack Organic Grains. These growers are located in the Champlain Valley in Essex, New York. They currently plant, harvest, and sell local grains including organic corn, organic hard red winter wheat, organic spring wheat, organic soybeans and organic sunflowers.

Whether you are a grower, a market interested in carrying our product, a restaurant, a caterer, or a person that would like to learn of our process and even get a tour, please get in touch.